int Stringfromini(wchar_t *section,wchar_t *key,wchar_t *s,int length);
Reads string from the main initialization file (usually ollydbg.ini).
(in) Pointer to the null-terminated UNICODE string, section of the initialization file where desired string is kept
(in) Pointer to the null-terminated UNICODE string, name of the key associated with the string
(out) Pointer to the buffer, at least length wide characters long, that will receive the retrieved string. If string is absent, the returned string is empty
(in) Length of the buffer pointed to by s, in wide characters
Return values:
Length of the retrieved string in wide characters, or 0 on error or if the string is missing in the initialization file
See also:
Initialization file functions, Addtosettings(), Deleteinisection(), Filefromini(), Filetoini(), Getfromini(), Getfromsettings(), Writetoini()